Math Placement in Middle School

Exceptional Placement Math Test for Incoming 6th grade students.
Exceptional Placement provides an additional acceleration option for students who are ready to skip CC 7/8 and begin middle school in CC 8/Algebra 1. Interested students must demonstrate sufficient mastery of CC 7/8 concepts and skills on a district-administered assessment. For future Issaquah Middle School students, the exceptional placement assessment will be offered to interested students on May 23rd at 1 PM atPacific Cascade Middle School. Please note, the test is NOT at IMS.
*Since CC6 math is taught in the 5th grade MERLIN program, 5th grade MERLIN students will take the CC 7/8 Math Mastery Assessment test in their classrooms each spring.
To register to take the Exceptional Placement assessment please follow and complete this link  Please sign up by May 20th.
Once a student has qualified for Exceptional Placement, parents make the final determination of whether or not to accept that placement. Further information will be provided to families of students who qualify for Exceptional Placement to help inform this decision. More information can be found at or you may contact Kathryn Coffin 
Welcome to IMS!
Seth Adams
