Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week of May 7


F.L.A.S.H. (Family Life and Sexual Health ) Unit, MAY 7 -11

Here is our schedule and outline of units we cover.  We will teach this material the last period of each day this week.

Monday (Exploitation);
Tuesday (Puberty);
Wednesday (the Reproductive System);
Thursday (Pregnancy); and
Friday (HIV/AIDS).   

Art Docent Program

Tuesday, 8 May 2018 12:40 - 1:40 PM

Printmaking lesson led by Victoria Remer.  Involved printing stations and ink,  Plan is for volunteer parents to arrive at 12:15 to set-up with kids arriving at 12:40.  There will be a bit of clean-up (of the brayers and plexi-glass), so per Victoria, volunteers should be planning on at least 30 extra minutes after students leave.  Thank you!

Smarter Balanced Test Math Computer Performance Test
Tuesday, 15 May 2018 9:30 AM
Smarter Balanced Test Math Computer Adaptive Test
Friday, 18 May 2018 9:30 AM

WCAS Language Arts Assessment

22 May 2018 9:30 AM 

WCAS Science assessment

23 May 2018 9:30 AM

No school, Memorial Day Break  
Friday May 25 through Monday, May 28, 2018  


Unit 5, Lesson 12, measuring rectangles in fractions of an inch and calculating the area. 
Using a ruler to measure in sixteenths, eighths, quarters of an inch. 
Fluency practice in multiply decimal numbers by multiples of 10
Review work from Module 1: Lesson 6.   Comparing values of quantities written in different forms,
ordering a series of decimal numbers.
Lesson 9-10 Adding and subtracting decimals,
Word problem applications
Work in pairs and small groups
