Week of February 5

Academic Calendar Notes:

Math Unit 3 Test is Thursday, February 8
Spelling Unit 8 (Main) and Unit 2-3 (Advanced) Tests are Friday, February 9

Learning Highlights

On Friday

In Mathematics:  We began our longest Unit:  Unit 4: Multiplication and Division of Fractions.  
Students were moved to Mission 4 in Zearn - with a few exceptions. 

In Life Science, the students finished their reading and note-taking on the Kingdom of Animals. 
They studied  examples of  mammals, birds, fishesreptiles,amphibians,and invertebrates.

On Wednesday,

In Mathematics we reviewed the unit.  Here are the answers to the last test preparation questions.

On Monday

In math students learned lesson 14, which had students add multiple fractions of unlike denominators, arrange fraction elements to solve mentally, and find a missing fraction when parts of an equation are provided.  Students also were introduced how to find the lowest common denominator by making lists of the multiples of each of the fractions' denominators and finding the lowest multiple in common to each.  HM Lesson 14

 In Language Arts, students continue to research their focus area of ANWR and they will begin to write their feature articles.

In Interdisciplinary/Global Studies, we read feature article mentor texts on Namibia - the skeleton coast, geography and history.

Students have a spelling packet this week.  Students will be either assigned to main group lesson 8 or the advanced packet Unit 2, lesson 3.  Packets are due and the spelling test is on Friday.

On Monday Kate Poaster joined us and presented an interactive lesson on fossils.
