Calendar, Connections, and Curriculum for the Week of February 12
Valentine’s Day Party:
February 14 12:30 - 1:15. Parent volunteer set up 12:15 . Whole class clean-up 1:15. Regular Dismissal: 1:25.
Celebration Plans: To support the class moms who have been working behind the scenes for the Valentine's Party, the class conferred and presented their ideas for the Valentine's Day celebration plan, as well as ways students and families could contribute.
Following tradition and health guidelines, they hope to enjoy a mix of yummy and healthy treats, have an opportunity to exchange Valentine's, of which they may share small treats within small treat bags. Things like cookie and cupcakes, including decorating them or not, are acceptable. The idea would be that the recipe for baked goods tends to find a healthy balance between the grain and sugary component.
Please note our Class Allergies - we have two students with allergies to ingested foodstuffs. These allergens can be present in the room, just not ingested by the students who are allergic. We aren't limiting the presence of these ingredients in food to be shared, but we're asking that we have some items to share with our students with allergies, and that we are secure that food shared with them is: for one student, nuts, cherry, and fish oil free; and for the other, gluten and dairy free. We'll be protective of the students who do have allergies not to eat foodstuffs with unknown ingredients; knowing at the same time that both students are cognizant of their dietary restrictions already.
As a principal activity of the party, other than sharing treats and kind messages, students would like to play board games that students themselves bring into share. Students have volunteered to bring in board games
Following tradition and health guidelines, they hope to enjoy a mix of yummy and healthy treats, have an opportunity to exchange Valentine's, of which they may share small treats within small treat bags. Things like cookie and cupcakes, including decorating them or not, are acceptable. The idea would be that the recipe for baked goods tends to find a healthy balance between the grain and sugary component.
Please note our Class Allergies - we have two students with allergies to ingested foodstuffs. These allergens can be present in the room, just not ingested by the students who are allergic. We aren't limiting the presence of these ingredients in food to be shared, but we're asking that we have some items to share with our students with allergies, and that we are secure that food shared with them is: for one student, nuts, cherry, and fish oil free; and for the other, gluten and dairy free. We'll be protective of the students who do have allergies not to eat foodstuffs with unknown ingredients; knowing at the same time that both students are cognizant of their dietary restrictions already.
As a principal activity of the party, other than sharing treats and kind messages, students would like to play board games that students themselves bring into share. Students have volunteered to bring in board games
They also hope to have a Valentine's Day Craft Table to make Valentine's for loved ones.
How can you Help? If you are not already in contact with Mrs. Chan, our class mom, wonderful. If you need her email, I can provide you with it; please ask.
Mrs. Chan has set up an online a class party sign up sheet at Sign Up Genius.
Please follow the link to participate.
Mrs. Chan, our class mom, communicated that she isn't sure if she has correct email contact information for all the families. If you would like to join in, or be a helping hand, we would be happy for your attendance on Valentine's Day. We might might benefit from a few more hands at the party this week: many hands, light work. Students, whose parents may be available next Wednesday, were listed on the board in the party planning session.
On Friday, I also asked students to ask parents at home if they could contribute sets of party wares: Plates, Cups, Napkins, and Utensils, but the sets don't need to be for 30; they could be smaller sets, like a dozen; the hope being, with enough families contributing, we'll have plenty together. This may create some redundancy, but we're happy to have some extra supplies on hand for after school tutoring, lunches with students, and other needs that arise from time to time.
How can you Help? If you are not already in contact with Mrs. Chan, our class mom, wonderful. If you need her email, I can provide you with it; please ask.
Mrs. Chan has set up an online a class party sign up sheet at Sign Up Genius.
Please follow the link to participate.
Mrs. Chan, our class mom, communicated that she isn't sure if she has correct email contact information for all the families. If you would like to join in, or be a helping hand, we would be happy for your attendance on Valentine's Day. We might might benefit from a few more hands at the party this week: many hands, light work. Students, whose parents may be available next Wednesday, were listed on the board in the party planning session.
On Friday, I also asked students to ask parents at home if they could contribute sets of party wares: Plates, Cups, Napkins, and Utensils, but the sets don't need to be for 30; they could be smaller sets, like a dozen; the hope being, with enough families contributing, we'll have plenty together. This may create some redundancy, but we're happy to have some extra supplies on hand for after school tutoring, lunches with students, and other needs that arise from time to time.
Feature Article: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Feature Article Due by Friday, February 16.
Students have been researching ANWR. They have been learning how to keep track of sources, how to give credit or attribution to their sources, how to write a feature article using various sources, and how to write in their own words summarizing what they read.
It's also been a interdisciplinary study uniting some of our work in life sciences and social studies. Students have been studying animal classification in life science and they are encouraged to think more broadly about life forms might be affected by drilling in the refuge. In social studies, we have looked at the history and politics of ANWR, focusing on the history of conservation there, and the recent political decision to open the refuge to drilling. We also read about the impact of drilling on one earlier drilling test site.
All students will write a general feature article about ANWR, but they have also been asked to take a special focus. Examples of students projects are: travel in ANWR, the wildlife of ANWR, Caribou in ANWR, the politics of ANWR, a case study of the Exxon Valdez and how this can inform the potential affects of drilling in ANWR.
Students will have significant class time to work on the project, however they are working at very different pacing and some students may need to work on this article at home. The article represents a month of research and study and the final product should reflect this effort. A key goal is for students to use resources from a variety of sources creating a fresh article and that credit is given to sources. We are avoiding students cutting and pasting information from websites or having the article simply being a reprocessing of a single or two articles. I would like the work to be original. At this point students should have at least 7 research forms completed. (Some students are behind; ask your child about her/his progress and attempt to help them research more at home if they are behind). Each research form represents a different source article and asks for about 3 notes of information that students intend to use in their article. A simple bibliography is a required component.
In general, students will be creating their final article in Microsoft Publisher. They can create a Powerpoint with prior permission. Prior to the finished form, students need to type their paper in Word.
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