Early "Winter Celebration" (in place of the Falloween Celebration) for Mr. Hagstrom's 5th Grade Class
This year students voted to break tradition and have a multi-cultural fall/Winter Party in December - on a date to be announced at least a week prior to start of winter vacation.
We thought it would be a nice thing for us to do with so many kids from different cultures in our class, plus this year is an off-year with respect to the school's multicultural fair, and finally, because Trunk or Treat is already offered by the school. The general idea would be to celebrate according to the many traditions represented in class, whether that be food, games, or sharings. For this reason, our class won't have a Fall/ Halloween-esqe classroom celebration, too.
Please look out for communications, likely from our class mom, Steffanie Chan with more information on how you can support the late fall/winter celebration.
Kind regards,
Mr. Hagstrom
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