Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week of September 19
Don't Forget that we have begun the Orange Ruler Fundraiser! Thank you!
Ballroom Dance! Students began this morning with Ms. Monique. As a group they were quite nervous and shy - and yet able to stand face to face with a boy / girl and Merengue to the left...
Mathematics: Exit Tickets 5, 6, 7... Eureka math rolls out one fairly difficult and important math concept after another in Unit 1. Monday we'll have a differentiation period to meet different student review needs that we identify on the informal markers (exit tickets) for the first 7 units.
Social Studies: Geography Test No. 1 - Knowledge of the World Map, map features, U.S. physical geography, identifying locations using Latitude and Longitude coordinates.
District reading pre-assessment
Mathematics: We are rounding decimal numbers. We are not using the Eureka vertical number line method for this assignment. Students were taught a more traditional method using a place value chart. Homework is lesson 7; students may ignore the vertical number lines and use only the place value chart to solve.
Geography: Students were assigned to locate and label places on a map of the world and given time to finish most or all of the assignment in class.
Special HW: Students were asked to complete the map labeling at home.
A little advanced notice: Students should expect a Geography test as early as Friday. The test will cover the relative sizes and locations of the 7 continents, the 5 oceans, locating places with Parallels of Latitude and Longitude Coordinates, knowledge of the Equator, Prime Meridian, the Hemispheres, the Poles, the Compass Rose, Cardinal Directions, and Intermediate Points. This test will be a key marker to show student learning and be a significant part of the students' Trimester 1 Social Studies grade.
Thank you!
Orange Ruler Assembly. The fundraiser program began today (and informational pages were sent home Monday afternoon.) Students will want to send out email invitations to family members regarding making (small) donations to the school's activity, events, and special project's budget. Thank you for encouragement and participation.
Lesson 6. Comparing and ordering the values of decimal numbers using the operators for greater than, equal to, and less than.
3 Literary Devices commonly used in the mystery genre: Foreshadowing, Red Herrings, and Cliffhangers.
Read aloud: Weslandia
Social Studies / Geography:
The students' physical Orange as the Earth map is due if a digital image of the project wasn't sent via email to me over the weekend.
Examples of ways to share our thinking about reading in writing and using in-text examples to support our ideas. After students read, they wrote in their composition books and met in their book groups to share their ideas.
Ballroom Dance! Students began this morning with Ms. Monique. As a group they were quite nervous and shy - and yet able to stand face to face with a boy / girl and Merengue to the left...
Mathematics: Exit Tickets 5, 6, 7... Eureka math rolls out one fairly difficult and important math concept after another in Unit 1. Monday we'll have a differentiation period to meet different student review needs that we identify on the informal markers (exit tickets) for the first 7 units.
Social Studies: Geography Test No. 1 - Knowledge of the World Map, map features, U.S. physical geography, identifying locations using Latitude and Longitude coordinates.
District reading pre-assessment
Mathematics: We are rounding decimal numbers. We are not using the Eureka vertical number line method for this assignment. Students were taught a more traditional method using a place value chart. Homework is lesson 7; students may ignore the vertical number lines and use only the place value chart to solve.
Geography: Students were assigned to locate and label places on a map of the world and given time to finish most or all of the assignment in class.
Special HW: Students were asked to complete the map labeling at home.
A little advanced notice: Students should expect a Geography test as early as Friday. The test will cover the relative sizes and locations of the 7 continents, the 5 oceans, locating places with Parallels of Latitude and Longitude Coordinates, knowledge of the Equator, Prime Meridian, the Hemispheres, the Poles, the Compass Rose, Cardinal Directions, and Intermediate Points. This test will be a key marker to show student learning and be a significant part of the students' Trimester 1 Social Studies grade.
Thank you!
Orange Ruler Assembly. The fundraiser program began today (and informational pages were sent home Monday afternoon.) Students will want to send out email invitations to family members regarding making (small) donations to the school's activity, events, and special project's budget. Thank you for encouragement and participation.
Lesson 6. Comparing and ordering the values of decimal numbers using the operators for greater than, equal to, and less than.
3 Literary Devices commonly used in the mystery genre: Foreshadowing, Red Herrings, and Cliffhangers.
Read aloud: Weslandia
Social Studies / Geography:
The students' physical Orange as the Earth map is due if a digital image of the project wasn't sent via email to me over the weekend.
Examples of ways to share our thinking about reading in writing and using in-text examples to support our ideas. After students read, they wrote in their composition books and met in their book groups to share their ideas.
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