Academic Calendar and Connections for the Week of September 11


Orange as the Earth - Lukas

Students attempted drawing the Earth's continents and oceans on oranges, which served as their globes.  They have homework around this assignment: Please see Homework Help for the assignment details. 

To be successful, students need to use their new understanding of the guide lines of the equator, Prime Meridian, International Date Line, Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Hemispheres to approximate the continents and then label these and the oceans.  Students were given paper maps and may complete their work at home.   

Note that after they remove the peel from the flesh, lay it and attach it flat to a surface, they have two options to relay their final product to me:  one is to take a digital photograph and send it  via email to:,  or to return to to school with their lableled orange map mounted display board (such as cardboard). 

Mathematics:  Students were given additional support on converting the units of metric measurements and took a quiz consisting of four Exit Tickets (Units 1-4). 

Reading & Discussion:  

A read aloud with Principal Pickard:   Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson
Re-readings of parts of "Bee Sting" and "Optimist, Pessimist, Contortionist" to model the writing expectations for a multiple perspective writing assignment. 
The first chapters of Wonder and Auggie and Me for our classroom community building. 

Writing: Students wrote for up to 40 sustained minutes a paper about an event or situations using multiple perspectives in a method similar to one of those used by Dmitri Martin in the model read alouds mentioned above. 


Calendar Item:  Remember, send your child to school with an orange tomorrow (if they haven't already arrived with one/some) for a globe project.  We will have extra oranges for students who need them.  

Child home sick?   Also, if your child is sick tomorrow (two students left with a fever today), I'll upload the orange / globe / map project to be available from this blog tomorrow.  Check this page or the menu links under "Homework Help" to find the assignment to complete at home.  Hope you're well soon!

Lots of challenging work today!

Mathematics: Students are converting linear metric measurements and it's a bit tricky.  There is a YouTube video that might help your child complete the homework: Grade 5, Module 1, Lesson 4

Reading:  Students read their Mystery books, wrote reading responses in T-charts in their composition books (Found in Text / Thoughts about this), gathered in their groups for discussion, and set a reading goal page for all students to be on in their group for tomorrow. 


A new student, Joseph, from the Seattle area joined our class today. Welcome Joseph!

Please remember that students need a large orange for Friday's Geography Class.  If you can donate a second orange that would be helpful.  Thank you. 

Mathematics:  Students were introduced to Exponents today

Connections:  Students have been asked to speak with their families about their family roots (places of births, language spoken,  2 generations back -to their grandparents - for a start.)

Social Studies / Geography: Students continue to practice locating oceans and continents on the world map using Latitude and Longitude coordinates. 


Students have been asked to bring in at least one large orange, preferably with a thick rind by Thursday or Friday for use on a map project on Friday.  I also asked students to bring in an extra orange if possible to share for those families that don't make it to the store before Friday.  Depending on how many we have Thursday, I will purchase needed oranges too.  Every student will have one.

Reading;  Today students were assigned small groups and books for their 1st mystery unit novel.  Books were chosen based upon student preference, reading level of the student, and reading level of the book.


Mathematics: We began the District Eureka Curriculum, Lesson 1.1 on place value when multiplying and dividing by numbers ending in zero.  Students had their first math homework.

Reading: We began our (District provided) Mystery Unit today.  Today's focus was how to choose the right book.  Students had 30 minutes to review a set of mystery novels after the workshop guidance was communicated.  Afterwards they provided me with a list of their 3 preferred novels.
